
1 thought on “13 WAYS TO A HAPPY DOG”

  1. 13 Ways to a Happy Dog

    They say love is a four-legged word. Ask any pet lover, and they’ll tell you it’s true. Dogs, in particular, have been hailed for decades as givers of unconditional love and faithful companionship.

    It’s no wonder that they are, by and large, considered a human’s best buddy. If you have a dog, then you’re no stranger to this adage—and, as much love and happiness as they give you, wouldn’t you want to provide them with the same?

    Here are 13 ways to do just that.

    1. Talk to your dog and speak their name often.

    A myriad of benefits come with talking to your dog, not just for you but for your beloved pooch. Dogs are emotionally intelligent creatures who appreciate interaction. They can read your body language, speech delivery, and tone of voice.

    Dogs respond to human speech. At first, your dog may only respond to more “dog-related” words (“Sit,” “Stay,” “Do you want to go for a walk?” and “Go fetch!” among others).
    But the more regularly you speak to your pet, the more words they will learn to understand and respond to.

    Talking to your dog is a way to engage them and reinforce your bond with your pet, especially when you call them by name. And, while it may seem odd to non-pet people, you already know how therapeutic talking to your pet can be for you, too. They listen, even to your gripes and grumbles, and love you all the same.

    2. Brush your dog’s coat regularly.

    Grooming your dog regularly keeps their coat nice and shiny and contributes to their overall health and happiness. Giving your dog a good, even brushing helps to distribute the natural oils on your pet’s skin, contributing to a shiny, kempt, tangle-free, mat-free coat; this is especially important for long- or thick-haired dog breeds.

    Brushing also helps remove loose hair, which will otherwise end up on your floor or furniture. Aside from the benefits to your dog’s coat, regular brushing also helps you become familiar with your pet’s skin and body, enabling you to spot and quickly deal with any irregularities or health issues that may arise.

    Moreover, the time you spend brushing your pet’s fur deepens your connection to your pet and strengthens your bond with them. Your dog’s breed and hair type will determine how often to brush them: dogs with longer hair or thicker coats require more frequent, lengthier brushing sessions. As a general guideline, though, longer-haired dogs should be brushed weekly, while shorter-haired breeds should be fine with a good brushing every two weeks.

    3. Feed your dog top-quality food.

    Just as it is with humans, proper nutrition is vital to your dog’s health and happiness. While it can be costlier to feed your top-shelf pet food, look at it as a preventive health measure—you’d do anything to keep your faithful Fido healthy, and vet bills are more expensive, anyway.

    Choose a dog food formulated for your pooch’s age, size, and activity level. Dogs have varying nutritional needs throughout their lives; ensure that their food is appropriate to their current life stage. When picking food, read labels. As with human food, the less your dog’s food is processed, the better. Pay attention to sodium levels, too. To avoid renal issues, feed your dog a mix of dry and wet food.

    While kibble is the more accessible alternative, it isn’t the best idea for your dog to subsist solely on that. Make sure your dog always has access to clean, fresh water. If your dog has specific health needs, be sure to look for specially formulated food to address the condition. Make feeding time even more fun by occasionally using a food-dispending toy or doggy puzzle. Use an anti-glutton bowl if your dog tends to wolf down their food.

    4. Provide your pooch with playthings (and playtime)

    Do you know that feeling of boredom, where you stare into space in frustration and emptiness? While your dog may not feel the same way you do, boredom also hits them. A bored dog is an unhappy—and quite possibly, unruly—dog. Your pooch will likely express their boredom with a sullen disposition or in ways you won’t quite appreciate.

    A bored dog might chew on things they’re not supposed to chew on (your shoes, the furniture, toilet paper rolls—nothing is off limits to a bored pup), bark incessantly, and act out in an array of annoying antics. You can prevent all that with a good selection of quality dog toys. While the best dog toys for sale will depend on your dog’s age, size, and temperament, tried-and-tested favorites include a dependable chew toy, a rubber ball, a rope tug, and a pet-safe plushie.

    Throw in a couple of dog puzzles to level up the interactive fun. Beyond the playthings, however, make sure to get in on your pet’s playtime. Toss a Frisbee and teach them to catch, or play a game of fetch the stick with them. Playtime with your pup will be as fun for you as it will be for them.

    5. Schedule regular visits to the vet.

    Trips to the vet are essential for when your dog is feeling under the weather—”well-dog” visits are vital, too. While your pooch may not think so (some dogs are not fans of trips to the veterinarian’s clinic), they must see the vet for regular check-ups, not just when they have taken ill.

    Most vets will recommend annual or biannual exams for healthy pets, allowing them to check on and monitor your pet’s general health and well-being. These visits are also a good time to administer routine vaccines and are vital to the early detection (and treatment or prevention) of sickness and disease. Remember that taking preventive health measures can also be much more cost-efficient than spending on bills if your dog falls ill.


    6. Flee, fleas! Take off tricks!

    Fewer things are more annoying to a dog than the constant itch of ticks and fleas. Not to mention, the infestation often extends to your home, too, making it highly annoying for you. It is incredibly uncomfortable for your pooch to be itching and scratching all day, but it is also unhealthy for them. Ticks and fleas present various health problems, feeding on your dog’s blood and threatening their overall well-being.

    These parasites can adversely affect your dog’s health, causing illnesses such as allergic reactions, skin lesions, and several more tick-borne severe diseases. Safeguard your dog’s health and ensure its comfort by regularly checking for the presence of said parasites.

    Run a flea comb through your dog’s fur for closer inspection. Your dog’s vet can prescribe a safe and effective remedy for an infestation. Meanwhile, to prevent re-infestation, your house must also be treated with commercially available or DIY home products.

    7. Allow your dog to enjoy the great outdoors.

    Dogs are natural-born explorers and love to spend time outdoors. Allow your dog to get in touch with their primal self by taking them on walks outside, to the park, or, whenever possible, hiking.

    Not only will your dog delight in the scents and scenery of the Great Outdoors, but the walk will also enable them (and you) to exercise.

    Walking gives your dog an outlet for pent-up energy, which is especially important if your pooch is stuck indoors most of the day. Because of all the benefits, an outdoor walk makes for a healthier, happier dog, contributing to a longer lifespan.

    8. Consider getting your pet fixed.

    There are numerous benefits to getting your dog spayed or neutered, and while having your pet fixed may seem intimidating, it is something you should consider first.

    Physically, getting your dog fixed will significantly reduce the chances of pyometra, breast cancer, and uterine infections in females and testicular cancer.

    Behaviorally, spaying/neutering your dog will result in a happier pup, less prone to the behavioral swings that come with heat cycles and the mating instinct. Moreover, getting your pet fixed will help prevent unplanned or unwanted litter, making it the responsible thing to do as a male pet owner.
    9. Communicate with your pet through actions.

    If you’ve spent enough time with your beloved pooch, you would know that they crave your attention and enjoy communicating with you. If you take the time to learn how to communicate with your dog effectively, you deepen the bond of friendship between you and your pet. Aside from talking to your dog regularly, an excellent way to strengthen your communication with your pet is to teach them (through repetition) cue words and reward them when they respond.

    Positive reinforcement is an excellent strategy for instilling discipline and letting your pet know you love them. Communicate with your actions, not just your words. Give your dog a friendly pet or rub behind the ears, pat their head, stroke their belly, and give them lots of hugs. Please wait for your pet to know what they also want. This will show them that you are attentive to their needs, too.

    10. Be mindful of your dog’s mental health.

    Dental and gum disease in dogs will not only cause bad breath in your pet but can also lead to serious health problems such as kidney, heart, and liver issues. Plaque build-up harbors nasty bacteria, which can enter the bloodstream and affect your dog’s internal organs.

    Prevent this from happening by paying attention to your doggy’s dental hygiene. Brush their teeth daily. Provide dental sticks, treats, and sturdy dental toys for them to chew on under supervision (to prevent choking hazards).

    Remember that professional dental cleaning in dogs necessitates general anesthesia. Practicing preventive measures and cleaning your pet’s teeth daily is best.

    11. Give your dog a nice comfy bed.

    Do you know that glorious feeling of a friendly, cozy bed? Where do you want to stay longer and laze under soft sheets?


    Provide your much-loved pet with a comfy bed of their own. This will not only help them keep warm and toasty in the colder months of the year, but it will also help them stay comfortable and happy. Plus, in older dogs, a good bed, possibly even an orthopedic one, helps stave off the discomforts associated with joint problems and arthritis.

    12. Bath your dog regularly.
    Eliminate that dirty doggy smell by bathing your pet regularly. Washing not only keeps your dog smelling clean and fresh (more for your benefit than theirs, really!), but it also helps keep your dog healthy and happy by getting rid of dirt and parasites.
    Ensure the water is at the right temperature; always ensure it isn’t too hot, lest you risk burns on your pet’s skin. Use a shampoo specially formulated for your dog’s hair type, preferably a natural and organic product free from harsh chemicals and potential irritants. If your dog is iffy about the bath, make it a fun experience. Tried-and-tested tricks include tossing treats into an empty tub (therefore making a game of bath time), smearing peanut butter onto the tub’s sides, and tossing some dog-appropriate water toys into the bath.
    If your dog is iffy about the bath, make it a fun experience. Tried-and-tested tricks include tossing treats into an empty tub (therefore making a game of bath time), smearing peanut butter onto the tub’s sides, and tossing some dog-appropriate water toys into the bath.

    13. Play some music for your dog.

    Music doesn’t just soothe a person’s soul; it works wonders for your dog. Research indicates that musical tones affect dogs in much the same way it affects their two-legged counterparts. Music has a calming effect on most dogs, with classical music having the most soothing results.

    You’ve most likely seen those cute videos on YouTube and Instagram, as well, of dogs vocalizing along with their “favorite” music; that is just one way they interact with what they hear.

    More and more dog owners are recognizing (and reaping) the benefits of playing sic with their pets. “Canine-approved” playlists are ever-growing in popularity on streaming platforms like Spotify. Want to level up the fun? Dance “with” your dog. Of course, it’ll be mostly you busting the moves, which may initially seem silly. But you and your pet will learn to love it—not to mention that the activity could prove an excellent stress reliever for you.

    So, there you have it!

    So, there you have it!
    Thirteen ways to enrich your dog’s life and put a smile on their face. As a precious part of your family, your pet’s happiness is, ultimately, your own.
    Get your pet
    in their “Zen zone” today.


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