
How to protect car cover from street dogs?

Tired of coming back to your car to find your car cover shredded by street dogs?

Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Street dogs can be a real nuisance, and they can quickly ruin your car cover.

But there’s no need to despair! You can do a few things to protect your car cover from street dogs.

This article shares some of our best tips for keeping your car cover safe from street dogs.

So read on and learn how to protect your car cover from those pesky street dogs!

Protecting Your Car Cover from Street Dogs

Street dogs can be a nuisance when protecting your car cover. 

Their scratching, chewing, and urinating habits can easily damage or soil your car cover, leaving you with a costly and frustrating situation. 

However, there are several techniques you can employ to safeguard your car cover from these street dogs.

1. Use a Deterrent Spray: A deterrent spray is one effective way to keep street dogs away from your car cover. These sprays are designed to repel dogs and discourage them from approaching your vehicle. Spray the deterrent on your car cover; the strong scent will deter dogs from coming near it.

2. Install a Car Cover Lock: Another option is to install a car cover lock. This will secure your car cover in place and make it more difficult for dogs to remove or damage it. Car cover locks are typically made of strong materials and can be easily attached to your car cover, providing an extra layer of protection.

3. Use a Car Cover with Reinforced Material: Investing in a car cover made with reinforced material can also help protect it from street dogs. These covers are designed to be more durable and resistant to scratching and chewing. Look for car covers made with heavy-duty fabric or those with additional protection layers.

4. Park in a Secure Area: Whenever possible, park your car in a secure area where street dogs are less likely to roam. This could be a garage, a fenced-in parking lot, or a well-lit area with security cameras. By parking in a secure location, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car cover being damaged by street dogs.

5. Use a Car Cover with a Reflective Surface: Reflective surfaces often deter street dogs. Consider using a car cover that has a reflective surface, as this can help keep dogs away from your vehicle. The reflective surface will catch their attention and make them think twice before approaching 

How to Keep Street Dogs from Scratching Your Car Cover?

Street dogs can be a nuisance, especially if they start scratching your car cover. Here are a few tips to help you keep street dogs from scratching your car cover:

Use a car cover with a water-resistant coating.

This will help protect your car cover from getting wet, making it more difficult for street dogs to scratch it. Look for a car cover made from a durable material, such as canvas or vinyl, with a water-resistant coating.

Consider using a car cover with spikes.

This will deter street dogs from trying to scratch your car cover. Spiked car covers are not the most aesthetically pleasing option but they can keep street dogs away.

Store your car cover in a garage or shed when you’re not using it.

This will help to keep it out of reach of street dogs. If you don’t have a garage or shed, you could store your car cover in a covered area, such as a carport.

Keep your car cover clean and free of food and water.

Street dogs are attracted to food and water, so if your car cover is dirty, they may be more likely to scratch or pee on it. Ensure you wash your car cover regularly and immediately remove any food or water spills.

Be vigilant.

If you see street dogs approaching your car, shoo them away or call animal control. The sooner you take action, the less likely they are to damage your car cover.

Products That Can Help Protect Your Car Cover from Street Dogs

Here are some products that can help protect your car cover from street dogs:

The car covers with spikes

These car covers have small plastic spikes that deter dogs from scratching or peeing on the cover. They are not the most aesthetically pleasing option, but they can keep street dogs away.

Car covers with a scent deterrent

Several car covers on the market are infused with scents that are unpleasant to dogs, such as citronella or lavender. These scents can help to keep dogs from approaching your car in the first place.

Water-resistant car covers

These car covers will help protect your car cover from getting wet, making it more difficult for dogs to scratch or pee on it.

Car covers with a warranty

Some car covers come with a warranty that will cover the cost of repair or replacement if dogs damage the cover. This can be a helpful way to protect your investment.

What to Do If Street Dogs Already Damage Your Car Cover?

When you discover that street dogs have damaged your car cover, it’s important to take immediate action to protect your vehicle from further harm. Here are some steps you can take to safeguard your car:

1. Remove the damaged car cover: Start by carefully removing the damaged car cover from your vehicle. Be cautious not to spread any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on the cover onto your car’s surface.

2. Inspect your car for any additional damage: Once the cover is removed, thoroughly inspect your car for any scratches, bite marks, or other signs of damage caused by the street dogs. Take note of any areas that require attention.

3. Clean your car: Before applying a new car cover, it’s essential to clean your vehicle to remove any dirt, saliva, or other substances left behind by street dogs. Use a gentle car wash solution and a soft sponge or cloth to avoid scratching the paint.

4. Apply a temporary protective layer: While waiting for a replacement car cover, you can apply a temporary protective layer to shield your car from further damage. Consider using a large plastic tarp or a waterproof car cover that you can secure tightly over your vehicle.

5. Secure your car: Park your vehicle in a secure location to prevent street dogs from accessing your car and causing more damage. If possible, park in a garage or a fenced area where dogs cannot reach.

6. Consider using deterrents: To discourage street dogs from approaching your car, you can use deterrents such as motion-activated sprinklers, ultrasonic devices, or natural repellents like vinegar or citrus peels. These methods help keep the dogs away from your vehicle.

Prevention is Better Than Cure: How to Keep Street Dogs Away from Your Car

Once street dogs have damaged your car cover, it’s important to take steps to prevent further damage in the future. Here are some tips and tricks to help you protect your car cover:

1. Secure your car cover:

Make sure your car cover is properly secured to your vehicle. Use bungee cords or straps to keep it in place, even in windy conditions. This will help prevent dogs from easily accessing and damaging the cover.

2. Use a deterrent spray:

Various deterrent sprays are available in the market that can help keep street dogs away from your car. These sprays usually contain natural ingredients that dogs find unpleasant, such as vinegar or citrus. Apply the spray on your car cover and the surrounding area to create a barrier that dogs want to avoid.

3. Install motion-activated lights or alarms:

Sudden noises or bright lights often deter dogs. Consider installing motion-activated lights or alarms near your car to startle and scare away any dogs approaching. This can help protect your car cover and prevent further damage.

4. Create physical barriers:

If you have a driveway or parking space, consider installing fences or gates to keep street dogs away from your car. This can be especially helpful if you live in an area with a high population of stray dogs.

5. Park in a garage or enclosed area:

If possible, park your car in a garage or enclosed area where street dogs cannot access it. This provides extra protection for your car cover and reduces the risk of damage.

6. Inspect and maintain your car cover:

Check your car cover regularly for any signs of wear or damage. Repair any small tears or holes immediately to prevent them from getting bigger. Regular maintenance will help prolong the lifespan of your car cover and reduce the chances of it being damaged by street dogs.

By following these tips and tricks, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car cover being damaged by street dogs. Always protect your car and take necessary precautions to prevent future damage.


How can I assess the damage caused by street dogs to my car cover?

To assess the damage caused by street dogs to your car cover, carefully inspect the cover for any tears, holes, or bite marks. Take note of the size and severity of the damage. If the damage is minor, it may be possible to repair it.

What immediate steps should I take to protect my car after the car cover is damaged?

After street dogs have damaged your car cover, taking immediate steps to protect your car from further damage is important. Consider parking your car in a secure location, such as a garage or a fenced area, where the dogs cannot access it.

If this is impossible, you can use deterrents such as motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices to keep the dogs away from your car.

Can I repair the damaged car cover myself?

In many cases, the car owner can repair minor damage to a car cover. If the damage is limited to small tears or holes, you can use a patch kit designed for car covers to mend the damaged area.

Will my insurance cover the damages caused by street dogs?

Whether or not your insurance will cover the damages caused by street dogs depends on your policy. Review your insurance coverage.

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